When is the right time to harvest onions?

Every year the growing season is different and therefore the time to harvest onions also varies. When, and how do you determine the right time.

Jelmers growers update: “Chances remain despite the initial challenges”

Jelmer discusses the developments of planting and seed onions in the Netherlands. Fewer plant onions were grown this year.

Onion storage 2022 with Zev Clerx

Jelmer discusses the developments of onion sets and seed onions in the Netherlands this month now that the cultivation season is at its end.

Jelmer’s cultivation update

Jelmer discusses the developments of onion sets and seed onions in the Netherlands this month now that the cultivation season is at its end.

Plant onions and onions sets in the Netherlands

Jelmer discusses the developments of planting and seed onions in the Netherlands. Fewer plant onions were grown this year.

Cultivation season 2022: “Weed control seems quite a challenge this year.”

The 2022 cultivation season has gotten off to a tumultuous start. Buyer Jelmer Elzinga talks about onion cultivation in the Netherlands.