T H R E E fantastic days…

…we had in October at Fruit Attraction 2019 @Madrid. We met our clients, got to know new people, and found some wonderful inspiration.

Now we’re looking forward to doing it all over again in the new year at Fruit Logistica 2020 in Berlin on 5, 6 and 7 February. We’ll once again be attending with our own stand in the Holland Pavilion. If you plan on attending as well, please don’t hesitate to drop by! We’d love to drink a good cup of coffee with you…

Waterman Onions overseas

Nicaragua is one of the many countries to which Waterman Onions exports its onions. The onions are traded from August to November, before the local harvest is collected.

Kenia Zeledon is the purchasing representative for a Nicaraguan cooperative. She found Waterman Onions simply by searching Google.

“I sent an e-mail and we had our first contact. The collaboration with Waterman Onions is very pleasant. The contact is close. They simply offer the best quality onions and precise measurements. Plus, the people who work there are responsible and reliable. That’s a blessing for our business in Nicaragua. Waterman Onions is simply one of the leaders in the sector.”

Steady business
Waterman Onions Sales Manager Erik Waterman underlines the good relationship in the distant country. “In countries like Nicaragua people work with cooperative, and within the cooperative everyone is treated like family. You can definitely sense that. They are a team and really help one another. That also means we can rely on them, and of course they can rely on us. All of that has resulted in a steady business. Together we’ve managed to achieve some major growth.”